Diego Martínez Torrón

His concept of poetic works is based on what he has called the aesthetic of simplicity: he seeks the emotion of the reader with a simple yet refined style, full of lyricism and thought, which transparently offers an almost philosophical worldview, on topics such as love, the issue most frequently addressed in his work, death and the concept of art itself, poetic creation and beauty. In his recent novel ''Éxito'' (Success) he offers a testimony to the vision of his generation from the beginning of counter-culture to the present day. Major Spanish writers have provided forwards for his creative works, which have been included in several Spanish and American anthologies. His poetic works have been translated into Italian and his narrative to English.
His double academic training as a philosopher (Doctor in Pure Philosophy) and as a philologist (Bachelor in Hispanic Philology), both degrees from the Complutense University of Madrid, have allowed him to develop, from the beginning of his career until today, a personal literary methodology, which has been explaining evolutionarily at the beginning of each of his books dealing with issues of thought and literature.
The most of his creative work and his philological essays are published for free at [https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/diego_martinez_torron/ Cervantesvirtual]. Provided by Wikipedia