Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Predation theory
  • Predation and primate cognitive evolution / Klaus Zuberbühler
  • Predation on primates : a biogeographical analysis / D. Hart
  • Anti-predator strategies of nocturnal primates
  • Primates and other prey in the seasonally variable diet of Cryptoprocta ferox in the dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar / Luke Dollar, Jörg U. Ganzhorn, and Steven M. Goodman
  • Predation on lemurs in the rainforest of Madagascar by multiple predator species : observations and experiments / Sarah M. Karpanty and Patricia C. Wright
  • Predation, communication, and cognition in lemurs / Marina Scheumann, Andriatahiana Rabesandratana, and Elke Zimmermann
  • A consideration of leaping locomotion as a means of predator avoidance in prosimian primates / Robin Huw Crompton and William Irvin Sellers
  • Anti-predator strategies of cathemeral primates : dealing with predators of the day and the night / Ian C. Colquhoun
  • Moonlight and behavior in nocturnal and cathemeral primates, especially Lepilemur leucopus : illuminating possible anti-predator efforts / Leanne T. Nash
  • A comparison of calling patterns in two nocturnal primates, Otolemur crassicaudatus and Galago moholi, as a guide to predation risk / Simon K. Bearder
  • Predator defense by slender lorises and pottos / K. Anne-Isola Nekaris, Elizabeth R. Pimley, and Kelly M. Ablard
  • The response of spectral tarsiers toward avian and terrestrial predators / Sharon L. Gursky
  • Talking defensively, a dual use for the brachial gland exudate of slow and pygmy lorises / Lee R. Hagey, Bryan G. Fry, and Helena Fitch-Snyder
  • Anti-predator strategies of non-nocturnal primates
  • Anti-predator strategies in a diurnal prosimian, the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta), at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar / Lisa Gould and Michelle L. Sauther
  • Howler monkeys and harpy eagles : a communication arms race / Ricardo Gil-da-Costa
  • Effects of habitat structure on perceived risk of predation and anti-predator behavior of vervet (Cercopithecus aethiops) and patas (Erythrocebus patas) monkeys / Karin L. Enstam
  • Predation risk and habitat use in chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) / Russell A. Hill and Tony Weingrill
  • Reconstructing hominin interactions with mammalian carnivores (6.0-1.8 Ma) / Adrian Treves and Paul Palmqvist