Tabla de Contenidos:
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Preparation of the biopsy
- 3. Normal muscle structure and analysis of the biopsy
- 4. Pathological reactions of the muscle fibre
- 5. X-linked recessive myopathies (Xp21.2 myopathies)
- 6. Spinal muscular atrophies
- 7. Inflammatory myopathies
- 8. Congenital myopathies
- 9. Metabolic disorders
- 10. Miscellaneous disorders
- 11. Interpreting the biopsy
- App. A Glossary of abbreviations
- App. B Micrograph labels
- App. C Histological and histochemical procedures
- App. D Immunocytochemical procedures
- App. E Electron microscopical procedures
- App. F Neuromuscular disorders - Gene location.