
Primates in perspective /

La obra contiene 47 ensayos originales de 70 investigadores, ofrece una visión general de todas las áreas de la primatología. Organizados en 6 secciones, el texto comienza con una introducción a la primatología y la revisión de la historia natural de los principales grupos taxonómicos en el orden de...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Campbell, Christina J.
Formato: Libro
Publicado: New York : Oxford University Press, 2011, 2011.
Edición:Second edition.
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part 1 : Background. A brief history of primate field studies / Robert Sussman
  • Primate socioecology / Joyce A. Parga and Deborah J. Overdorff
  • Primate evolution / Walter Hartwig
  • part 2 : The primates. The Lorisiform primates of Asia and mainland Africa / K. Anna I. Nekaris and Simon K. Bearder
  • Lemuriformes / Lisa Gould, Michelle Sauther, and Alexandra Cameron
  • Tarsiiformes / Sharon Gursky
  • Callitrichines / Leslie Digby, Stephen F. Ferarri, and Wendy Saltzman
  • The cebines / Katharine M. Jack
  • Sakis, uakaris, and titi monkeys / Marilyn A. Norconk
  • Aotinae / Eduardo Fernandez-Duque
  • The atelines / Anthony Di Fiore, Andrés Link, and Christina J. Campbell
  • The Asian colobines / R. Craig Kirkpatrick
  • African colobine monkeys / Peter J. Fashing
  • The macaques / Bernard Thierry
  • African papionins / Larissa Swedell
  • The guenons / Karin E. Jaffe and Lynne A. Isbell
  • The hylobatidae / Thad Q. Bartlett
  • Orangutans / Cheryl D. Knott and Sonya Kahlenberg
  • Gorillas / Martha M. Robbins
  • Chimpanzees and bonobos / Rebecca Stumpf
  • Part 3 : Methods. Behavioral data collection in primate field studies /Christina J. Campbell [y otros]
  • Measuring ecological variables for primate field studies / Erin R. Vogel and Nathaniel J. Dominy
  • Advances in the understanding or primate reproductive endocrinology / Catherine J. Wheaton, Anne Savage, and Bill L. Lasley
  • Molecular primatology /Anthony Di Fiore, Richard R. Lawler, and Pascal Gagneux
  • part 4 : Development and reproduction. Life history / Steve R. Leigh and Gregory E. Blomquist
  • Primate growth and development / Debra Bolter and Adrienne Zihlman
  • Social beginnings /Katherine C. MacKinnon
  • Juvenile and adolescent primates / Hogan M. Sherrow and Katherine C. MacKinnon
  • Primate sexuality and reproduction / Christina J. Campbell
  • Mate choice / Joseph H. Manson
  • Menopause / Linda Marie Fedigan and Mary S.M. Pavelka
  • Part 5 : Ecology. Social systems and socioecology / Agustín Fuentes
  • Primate nutritional ecology / Joanna E. Lambert
  • Primate seed dispersal / Sabrina E. Russo and Colin A. Chapman
  • Predation on primates / Lynne E. Miller and Adrian Treves
  • Primate locomotor positional behavior and ecology / Paul A. Garber
  • Primate self-medication / Michael A. Huffman
  • part 6 : Social behavior and cognition. Kinship / Carole M. Berman
  • Cooperation, collective action, and competition in primate social interactions / Robert W. Sussman and Paul A. Garber
  • Social mechanisms in the control of primate aggression / Irwin S. Bernstein
  • Postconflict reconciliation / Kate Arnold, Orlaith N. Fraser, and Filippo Aureli
  • The conundrum of communication / Harold Gouzoules and Sarah Gouzoules
  • Tool use and cognition in primates / Tatyana Humle and Dorothy M. Fragaszy
  • Social learning in monkeys and apes / Christine A. Caldwell and Andrew Whiten
  • pt. 7 : The future. Conservation / Karen B. Strier
  • Ethnoprimatology / Erin P. Riley, Linda D. Wolfe, and Agustín Fuentes
  • Where we have been, where we are, and where we are going / Christina J. Campbell [y otros].