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|a Introduction -- ONE: CULTURAL RESISTANCE. Christopher Hill, "Levellers and True Levellers," from The World Turned Upside Down -- TWO: THE POLITICS OF CULTURE. Raymond Williams, "Culture," from Keywords -- Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, from The German Ideology --- Matthew Arnold, from Culture and Anarchy -- Antonio Gramsci, from The Prison Notebooks -- Walter Benjamin, "The Author as Producer" -- TTHREE: A POLITICS THAT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE POLITICS. Mikhail Bakhtin, from Rabelais and His World -- James C. Scott, from Weapons of the Weak -- Robin D.G. Kelley, from Race Rebels -- Adolph Reed Jr., "Why Is There No Black Political Movement" -- Jean Baudrillard, "The Masses: The Implosion of the Social Media" -- Hakim Bey, from TAZ: The Temporary Autonomous Zone -- Simon Reynolds, from Generation Ecstasy --- "Huge Mob Tortures Negro," account of a lynching in 1920 -- FOUR: SUBCULTURES AND PRIMITIVE REBELS. E.J. Hobsbawm, from Primitive Rebels -- Robin D.G. Kelley, "OGs in Postindustiral Los Angeles," from Race Rebels -- Stuart Cosgrove, "The Zoot-suit and Style Warfare" -- Dick Hebdige, "The Meaning of Mod" -- John Clarke, "The Skinheads and the Magical Recovery of Community" -- Riot Grrrl, "The Riot Grrrl Is..." -- Kathleen Hanna, interview in Punk Planet -- Bertold Brecht, "Emphasis on Sport" -- Stuart Hall, "Notes on Deconstructing 'the Popular'" -- FIVE: DISMANTLING THE MASTER'S HOUSE. Elaine Goodale Eastman "The Ghost Dance War," from Sister to the Sioux -- Mahatma Gandhi, from Hind Swaraj -- C.L.R. James, from Beyond a Boundary -- Lawrence Levine, "Slave Songs and Slave Consciousness" -- George Lipsitz, "Immigration and Assimilation: Rai, Reggae, and Bhangramuffin", from Dangerous Crossroads -- SIX: A WOMAN'S PLACE. Virginia Woolf, from A Room of One's Own -- Radicalesbians, "The Woman-Identified Woman" -- Jean Railla, "A Broom of One's Own", from Bust -- Janice A. Radway, from Reading the Romance -- John Fiske, "Shopping for Pleasure" from Reading the Popular -- SEVEN: COMMODITIES, COOPERATION, AND CULTURE JAMMING. Theodor W. Adorno, "On the Fetish-Character in Music and the Regression of Listening" -- Richard Hoggart, from The Uses of Literacy -- Malcolm Cowley, from Exile's Return -- Thomas Frank, "Why Johnny Can't Dissent" -- Abbie Hoffman, from Revolution for the Hell of It -- Jerry Rubin, from Do It! -- EIGHT: MIXING POP AND POLITICS. Barbara Epstein, "The Politics of Prefigurative Community" -- John Jordan, "The Art of Necessity": The Subversive Imagination of Anti-road Protest and Reclaim the Streets" -- Jason Grote, "The God that People Who Do Not Believe in God Believe In: Taking a Bust with Reverend Billy" -- Andrew Boyd, "Truth Is A Virus: Meme Warfare and the Billionaires for Bush (or Gore)" -- Ricardo Dominguez, "Electronic Disturbance: An Interview".