
The rhetorical tradition : readings from classical times to the present /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Bizzell, Patricia, Herzberg, Bruce
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2001.
Edición:2nd ed.
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Classical rhetoric. Gorgias. Encomium of Helen
  • Anonymous. Dissoi Logoi
  • Rhetorica and Herennium, book IV
  • Aspasia. Plato. Menexenus
  • Gorgias
  • Phaedrus
  • Cicero. De inventione
  • De oratore
  • Orator
  • Athenaeus. Deipnosophistae
  • Plutarch. Lives
  • Isocrates. Against the Sophist
  • Andidosis
  • Aristotle. Rhetoric
  • Longinus. On the sublime
  • Quintilian. Institutes of oratory
  • Medieval rhetoric. Augustine. On Christian doctrine, book IV
  • Boethius. An overview of the structure of rhetoric
  • Anonymous. The principles of letter writing
  • Geoffrey of Vinsauf. Poetria nova
  • Robert of Basevorn. The form of preaching
  • Christine de Pizan. The book of the city of ladies
  • The treasure of the city of ladies
  • Renaissance rhetoric. Desiderius Erasmus. Copia: foundations of the abundant style
  • Ecclesiastes
  • Baldesar Castiglione. The book of the courtier
  • Peter Ramus. Arguments in rhetoric against Quintilian
  • Thomas Wilson. The arte of rhetorique
  • Francis Bacon. The advancement of learning
  • Novum organum
  • Margaret Fell. Women's speaking justified, proved, and allowed by the scriptures
  • Madeleine de Scudery. Of conversation
  • Of speaking too much, or too little. And how we ought to speak
  • Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. The poet's answer to the most illustrious Sister Filotea de la Cruz
  • Enlightenment rhetoric. John Locke. An essay concerning human understanding
  • David Hume. Of the standard of taste
  • Mary Astell. A serious proosal to the ladies, part II
  • Giambattista Vico. On the study methods of our time
  • Thomas Sheridan. A course of lectures on elocution, lecture VI
  • Gilbert Austin. Chironomia
  • George Campbell. The philosophy of rhetoric
  • Hugh Blair. Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres
  • Nineteenth-century rhetoric. Richard Whately. Elements of rhetoric
  • Maria W. Stewart. Lecture delivered at the Franklin Hall
  • Mrs. Stewart's farewell address to her friends in the city of Boston
  • Sarah Grimke. Letters on the equality of the sexes and the condition of woman, letters III, IV, and XIV
  • Frederick Douglass. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass
  • My bondage and my freedom
  • The life and times of Frederick Douglass
  • Phoebe Palmer. The promise of the Father, chapter I
  • Tongue of fire on the daughters of the Lord
  • Frances Willard. Woman in the pulpit
  • Woman and temperance
  • Alexander Bain and Adams Sherman Hill. English composition and rhetoric
  • The principles of rhetoric
  • Herbert Spencer. The philosophy of style
  • Friedrich Nietzsche. On truth and lies in a nonmoral sense
  • Modern and postmodern rhetoric. Mikhail Bakhtin. Marxism and the philosophy of language
  • The problem of speech genres
  • Virginia Woolf. Professions for women
  • Women and fiction
  • Dorothy Richardson
  • A room of one's own, chapter five
  • I. A. Richards. The meaning of meaning
  • The philosophy of rhetoric
  • Kenneth Burke. A grammar of motives
  • A rhetoric of motives
  • Language as symbolic action
  • Richard Weaver. Language is sermonic
  • The Phaedrus and the nature of rhetoric
  • Chaim Perelman. The new rhetoric
  • The realm of rhetoric
  • The new rhetoric: a theory of practical reasoning
  • Stephen Toulmin. The uses of argument
  • Logic and the criticism of arguments
  • Michel Foucault. The archaeology of knowledge
  • The order of discourse
  • Jacques Derrrida. Signature event context
  • Wayne C. Booth. Modern Dogma and the rhetoric of assent
  • Helene Cixous. The laugh of the Medusa
  • A woman mistress
  • Henry Louis Gates Jr. The signifying mondey and the language of signifyin(g): rhetorical difference and the orders of meaning
  • Gloria Anzaldua. Borderlands/La frontera
  • Stanley Fish. Rhetoric.