Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The market for motion pictures : rank, revenue and survival
  • Bose-Einstein dynamics and adaptive contracting in the motion picture industry
  • Quality evaluations and the breakdown of statistical herding in the dynamics of box-office revenue
  • Uncertainty in the movie industry : can star power reduce the terror of the box office?
  • Does Hollywood make too many R-rated movies? : risk, stochastic dominance and the illusion of expectation
  • Big budgets, big openings and legs : analysis of the blockbuster strategy
  • Motion picture antitrust : the Paramount cases revisited
  • Was the antitrust action that broke up the movie studios good for the movies? : evidence from the stock market
  • Stochastic market structure : concentration measures and motion picture antitrust
  • Motion picture profit, the stable Paretian hypothesis and the curse of the superstar
  • Contracting with stars when "nobody knows anything"
  • How extreme uncertainty shapes the movie business
  • Epilogue : can you manage a business when "nobody knows anything"?