Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Markov models in molecular evolution / Nicolas Galtier, Olivier Gascuel, and Alain Jean-Marie
  • Introduction to applications of the likelihood function in molecular evolution / Jutta Buschbom and Arndt von Haeseler
  • Introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in molecular evolution / Bret Larget
  • Population genetics of molecular evolution / Carlos D. Bustamante
  • Maximum likelilhood methods for detecting adaptive protein evolution / Joseph P. Bielawski and Ziheng Yang
  • HyPhy: hypothesis testing using phylogenies / Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond and Spencer V. Muse
  • Bayesian analysis of molecular evolution using MrBayes / John P. Huelsenbeck and Fredrik Ronquist
  • Estimation of divergence times from molecular sequence data / Jeffrey L. Thorne and Hirohisa Kishino
  • Markov models of protein sequence evolution / Matthew W. Dimmic
  • Models of microsatellite evolution / Peter Calabrese and Raazesh Sainudiin
  • Genome rearrangement / Rick Durrett
  • Phylogenetic hidden Markov models / Adam Siepel and David Haussler
  • The evolutionary causes and consequences of base composition variation / Gilean A.T. McVean
  • Statistical alignment: recent progress, new applications, and challenges / Gerton Lunter [and others]
  • Estimating substitution matrices / Von Bing Yap and Terry Speed
  • Posterior mapping and posterior predictive distributions / Jonathan P. Bollback
  • Assessing the uncertainty in phylogenetic inference / Hidetoshi Shimodaira and Masami Hasegawa.