Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Latin America: a linguistic curiosity from the point of view of colonization and the ensuing language contacts / Salikoko S. Mufwene
  • The many facets of Spanish dialect diversification in Latin America / John M. Lipski
  • Amerindian language islands in Brazil / Hildo Honorio do Couto
  • Historical development of Nheengatu (lingua geral amazonica) / Denny Moore
  • Language and conquest: Tupi-Guarani expansion in the European colonization of Brazil and Amazonia / Kittiya Lee
  • African descendants' rural vernacular Portuguese and its contribution to understanding the development of Brazilian Portuguese / Heliana Mello
  • Brazilian Portuguese and the ecology of (post-)colonial Brazil / J. Clancy Clements
  • Maya and Spanish in Yucatan: an example of continuity and change / Barbara Pfeiler
  • Standard colonial Quechua / Alan Durston
  • Linguistic subjectivity in ecologies of Amazonian language change / Christopher Ball
  • The ecology of language evolution in Latin America: a Haitian postscript toward a postcolonial sequel / Michel Degraff.