
Prospects for Diffractive and Forward Physics at the LHC

The CMS and TOTEM experiments intend to carry out a joint diffractive/forward physics program with an unprecedented rapidity coverage. The present document outlines some aspects of such a physics program, which spans from the investigation of the low-x structure of the proton to the diffractive prod...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Albrow, M, Antchev, G, Arneodo, M, Avati, V, Bartalini, P, Berardi, V, Bottigli, U, Bozzo, M, Brucken, E, Burtovoy, V, Buzzo, A, Calicchio, M, Capurro, F, Catanesi, M G, Catastini, P, Ciocci, M A, Croft, R, Datsko, K, Deile, M, De Favereau De Jeneret, J, De Jesus Damiao, D, Robutti, E, de Roeck, A, D'Enterria, D G, De Wolf, E A, Eggert, K, Engel, R, Erhan, S, Ferro, F, García-Fuertes, W, Geist, W, Grothe, M, Guillaud, J P, Heino, J, Hees, A, Hilden, T, Kalliopuska, J, Kaspar, J, Katsas, P, Kim, V, Klyukhin, V, Kundrát, V, Kurvinen, K, Kuznetsov, A, Lami, S, Lamsa, J, Latino, G, Lauhakanga, R, Lippmaa, E, Lippmaa, J, Liu, Y, Loginov, A, Lokajícek, M, Lo Vetere, M, Lucas Rodriguez, F, Macri, M, Mäki, T, Meucci, M, Minutoli, S, Mnich, J, Moussienko, I, Murray, M, Niewiadomski, H, Noschis, E, Notarnicola, G, Ochesanu, S, Österberg, K, Oliveri, E, Oljemark, F, Orava, R, Oriunno, M, Ottela, M, Ovyn, S, Palazzi, P, Panagiotou, A D, Paoletti, R, Popov, V, Petrov, V, Pierzchala, T, Piotrzkowski, K, Radermacher, E, Radicioni, E, Rella, G, Reucroft, S, Ropelewski, Leszek, Rouby, X, Ruggiero, G, Rummel, A, Ruspa, M, Ryutin, R, Saarikko, H, Sanguinetti, G, Santoro, A F S, Santroni, A, Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, E, Sarycheva, L, Schilling, F P, Schlein, P E, Scribano Memoria, A, Sette, G, Snoeys, W, Snow, G R, Sobol, A, Solano, A, Spinella, F, Squillacioti, P, Swain, J, Sznajder, A, Tasevsky, M, Taylor, C C, Torp, F, Trummal, A, Turini, N, Van Der Donckt, M, Van Mechelen, P, Van Remortel, N, Vilela-Pereira, A, Whitmore, J, Zaborov, D
Publicado: 2006
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Sumario:The CMS and TOTEM experiments intend to carry out a joint diffractive/forward physics program with an unprecedented rapidity coverage. The present document outlines some aspects of such a physics program, which spans from the investigation of the low-x structure of the proton to the diffractive production of a SM or MSSM Higgs boson.