
The Detector Control System of the ATLAS SemiCondutor Tracker during Macro-Assembly and Integration

The ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) is one of the largest existing semiconductor detectors. It is situated between the Pixel detector and the Transition Radiation Tracker at one of the four interaction points of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). During 2006-2007 the detector was lowered into the AT...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Abdesselam, A, Barr, A, Basiladze, S, Bates, R L, Bell, P, Bingefors, N, Böhm, J, Brenner, R, Chamizo-Llatas, M, Clark, A, Codispoti, G, Colijn, A P, D'Auria, S, Dorholt, O, Doherty, F, Ferrari, P, Ferrère, D, Górnicki, E, Koperny, S, Lefèvre, R, Lindquist, L-E, Malecki, P, Mikulec, B, Mohn, B, Pater, J, Pernegger, H, Phillips, P, Robichaud-Véronneau, A, Robinson, D, Roe, S, Sandaker, H, Sfyrla, A, Stanecka, E, Stastny, J, Viehhauser, G, Vossebeld, J, Wells, P
Publicado: 2007
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