
System Test of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer in the H8 Beam at the CERN SPS.

We describe a system-test of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer performed at the H8 beam line of the CERN SPS during 2003. The setup includes one barrel tower made of six Monitored Drift Tube chambers equipped with an alignment system and four Resistive Plate Chambers, and one end-cap octant consisting of...

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Autores principales: Adorisio, C, Aielli, G, Alexopoulos, T, Amaral, P, Amelung, C, Avolio, G, Avramidou, R, Bagnaia, P, Barisonzi, M, Barone, M, Bauer, F, Benhammou, I, Bensinger, J, Beretta, M, Bessler, S, Bobbink, G, Borisov, A, Boterenbrood, H, Boyko, I, Braccini, S, Branchini, P, Canale, V, Caprio, M, Cardarelli, R, Cataldi, G, Cerutti, F, Chapman, J, Chelkov, G, Chiodini, G, Ciapetti, G, Cirilli, M, Dedovich, D, Della Pietra, M, Della Volpe, D, De Asmundis, R, Di Ciaccio, A, Di Domenico, A, Di Simone, A, Dubbert, J, Etzion, E, Fakhrutdinov, R, Falciano, S, Ferrari, R, Formica, A, Fukunaga, C, Gaudio, G, Gazis, E, Giraud, P F, Gorini, E, Grancagnolo, F, Gregory, J, Groenstege, H, Guyot, C, Hart, R, Hashemi, K S, Hassani, S, Horvat, S, Ichimiya, R, Iengo, P, Ikeno, M, Ioannou, P, Iodice, M, Ishino, M, Kataoka, Y, König, A, Kortner, O, Kourkoumelis, C, Kozhin, A, Kroha, H, Krumshtein, Z, Kurashige, H, Lançon, E, Lanza, A, Laporte, J F, Lellouch, D, Levin, D, Levinson, L, Linde, F, Luci, C, Lupu, N, Maccarrone, G, Maeno, T, Mair, K, Maltezos, S, Manz, A, Meoni, E, Mikenberg, G, Mockett, P, Mohrdieck-Möck, S, Nagano, K, Nikolaev, K, Nikolaidou, R, Nisati, A, Nomoto, H, Orestano, D, Palestini, S, Pasqualucci, E, Pastore, F, Perrino, R, Petrucci, F, Polesello, G, Policicchio, Antonio, Pomarède, D, Ponsot, P, Pontecorvo, L, Primavera, M, Rauscher, F, Rebuzzi, D, Richter, R, Rosati, S, Rothberg, J E, Sakamoto, H, Santonico, R, Sasaki, O, Schricker, A, Schuler, G, Schune, P, Spagnolo, S, Spiwoks, R, Staude, A, Stavropoulos, G, Sugaya, Y, Tanaka, S, Tarem, S, Thun, R, Trigger, I, Tsipolitis, G, Valderanis, C, Valente, P, Vandelli, W, Vari, R, Veneziano, S, Vermeulen, J, Wengler, T, Werneke, P, Wijnen, T, Wolter, M, Woudstra, M, Yasu, Y, Zema, P F, Zhao, Z, Zhemchugov, A, Zhou, B, Van Eldik, N, van der Graaf, H
Publicado: 2007
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