
Design, Construction and Installation of the ATLAS Hadronic Barrel Scintillator-Tile Calorimeter

The scintillator tile hadronic calorimeter is a sampling calorimeter using steel as the absorber structure and scintillator as the active medium. The scintillator is located in "pockets" in the steel structure and the wavelength-shifting fibers are contained in channels running radially wi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Abdallah, J, Adragna, P, Alexa, C, Alves, R, Amaral, P, Ananiev, A, Anderson, K, Andresen, X, Antonaki, A, Batusov, V, Bednar, P, Bergeaas, E, Biscarat, C, Blanch, O, Blanchot, G, Bohm, C, Boldea, V, Bosi, F, Bosman, M, Bromberg, C, Budagov, Yu A, Calvet, D, Cardeira, C, Carli, T, Carvalho, J, Cascella, M, Castillo, M V, Costello, J, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Cavasinni, V, Cerqueira, A S, Clément, C, Cobal, M, Cogswell, F, Constantinescu, S, Costanzo, D, Da Silva, P, Davidek, M, David, T, Dawson, J, De, K, Del Prete, T, Di Girolamo, B, Dita, S, Dolejsi, J, Dolezal, Z, Dotti, A, Downing, R, Drake, G, Efthymiopoulos, I, Errede, D, Errede, S, Farbin, A, Fassouliotis, D, Feng, E, Fenyuk, A, Ferdi, C, Ferreira, B C, Ferrer, A, Flaminio, V, Flix, J, Francavilla, P, Fullana, E, Garde, V, Gellerstedt, K, Giakoumopoulou, V, Giangiobbe, V, Gildemeister, O, Gilewsky, V, Giokaris, N, Gollub, N, Gomes, A, González, V, Gouveia, J, Grenier, P, Gris, P, Guarino, V, Guicheney, C, Sen-Gupta, A, Hakobyan, H, Haney, M, Hellman, S, Henriques, A, Higón, E, Hill, N, Holmgren, S, Hruska, I, Hurwitz, M, Huston, J, Jen-La Plante, I, Jon-And, K, Junk, T, Karyukhin, A, Khubua, J, Klereborn, J, Kopikov, S, Korolkov, I, Krivkova, P, Kulchitsky, Y, Kurochkin, Yu, Kuzhir, P, Lapin, V, Le Compte, T, Lefèvre, R, Leitner, R, Li, J, Liablin, M, Lokajícek, M, Lomakin, Y, Lourtie, P, Lovas, L, Lupi, A, Maidantchik, C, Maio, A, Maliukov, S, Manousakis, A, Marques, C, Marroquim, F, Martin, F, Mazzoni, E, Merritt, F S, Myagkov, A, Miller, R, Minashvili, I, Miralles, L, Montarou, G, Némécek, S, Nessi, M, Nikitine, I, Nodulman, L, Norniella, O, Onofre, A, Oreglia, M, Palan, B, Pallin, D, Pantea, D, Pereira, A, Pilcher, J E, Pina, J, Pinhão, J, Pod, E, Podlyski, F, Portell, X, Poveda, J, Pribyl, L, Price, L E, Proudfoot, J, Ramalho, M, Ramstedt, M, Raposeiro, L, Reis, J, Richards, R, Roda, C, Romanov, V, Rosnet, P, Roy, P, Ruiz, A, Rumiantsau, V, Russakovich, N, Sada Costa, J, Salto, O, Salvachúa, B, Sanchis, E, Sanders, H, Santoni, C, Santos, J, Saraiva, J G, Sarri, F, Says, L P, Schlager, G, Schlereth, J L, Seixas, J M, Selldén, B, Shalanda, N, Shevtsov, P, Shochet, M, Simaitis, V, Simonyan, M, Sisakian, A, Sjölin, J, Solans, C, Solodkov, A, Solovianov, J, Silva, O, Sosebee, M, Spanó, F, Speckmeyer, P, Stanek, R, Starchenko, E, Starovoitov, P, Suk, M, Sykora, I, Tang, F, Tas, P, Teuscher, R, Tokar, S, Topilin, N, Torres, J, Underwood, D, Usai, G, Valero, A, Valkár, S, Valls, J A, Vartapetian, A, Vazeille, F, Vellidis, C, Ventura, F, Vichou, I, Vivarelli, I, Volpi, M, White, A, Zaitsev, A, Zenin, A, Zenis, T, Zenonos, Z, Zenz, S, Zilka, B
Publicado: 2007
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Sumario:The scintillator tile hadronic calorimeter is a sampling calorimeter using steel as the absorber structure and scintillator as the active medium. The scintillator is located in "pockets" in the steel structure and the wavelength-shifting fibers are contained in channels running radially within the absorber to photomultiplier tubes which are located in the outer support girders of the calorimeter structure. In addition, to its role as a detector for high energy particles, the tile calorimeter provides the direct support of the liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter in the barrel region, and the liquid argon electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters in the endcap region. Through these, it indirectly supports the inner tracking system and beam pipe. The steel absorber, and in particular the support girders, provide the flux return for the solenoidal field from the central solenoid. Finally, the end surfaces of the barrel calorimeter are used to mount services, power supplies and readout crates for the inner tracking systems and the liquid argon barrel electromagnetic calorimeter.