
The Optical Instrumentation of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

The purpose of this Note is to describe the optical assembly procedure called here Optical Instrumentation and the quality tests conducted on the assembled units. Altogether, 65 Barrel (or LB) modules were constructed - including one spare - together with 129 Extended Barrel (EB) modules (including...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Abdallah, J, Adragna, P, Alexa, C, Alves, R, Amaral, P, Ananiev, A, Anderson, K, Andresen, X, Antonaki, A, Batusov, V, Bednar, P, Bergeaas, E, Biscarat, C, Blanch, O, Blanchot, G, Bohm, C, Boldea, V, Bosi, F, Bosman, M, Bromberg, C, Budagov, Yu A, Calvet, D, Cardeira, C, Carli, T, Carvalho, J, Cascella, M, Castillo, M V, Costelo, J, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Cavasinni, V, Cerqueira, A S, Clément, C, Cobal, M, Cogswell, F, Constantinescu, S, Costanzo, D, Da Silva, P, David, M, Davidek, T, Dawson, J, De, K, Del Prete, T, Diakov, E, Di Girolamo, B, Dita, S, Dolejsi, J, Dolezal, Z, Dotti, A, Downing, R, Drake, G, Efthymiopoulos, I, Errede, D, Errede, S, Farbin, A, Fassouliotis, D, Feng, E, Fenyuk, A, Ferdi, C, Ferreira, B C, Ferrer, A, Flaminio, V, Flix, J, Francavilla, P, Fullana, E, Garde, V, Gellerstedt, K, Giakoumopoulou, V, Giangiobbe, V, Gildemeister, O, Gilewsky, V, Giokaris, N, Gollub, N, Gomes, A, González, V, Gouveia, J, Grenier, P, Gris, P, Guarino, V, Guicheney, C, Sen-Gupta, A, Hakobyan, H, Haney, M, Hellman, S, Henriques, A, Higón, E, Hill, N, Holmgren, S, Hruska, I, Hurwitz, M, Huston, J, Jen-La Plante, I, Jon-And, K, Junk, T, Karyukhin, A, Khubua, J, Klereborn, J, Konsnantinov, V, Kopikov, S, Korolkov, I, Krivkova, P, Kulchitsky, Y, Kurochkin, Yu, Kuzhir, P, Lapin, V, Le Compte, T, Lefèvre, R, Leitner, R, Li, J, Liablin, M, Lokajícek, M, Lomakin, Y, Lourtie, P, Lovas, L, Lupi, A, Maidantchik, C, Maio, A, Maliukov, S, Manousakis, A, Marques, C, Marroquim, F, Martin, F, Mazzoni, E, Merritt, F S, Myagkov, A, Miller, R, Minashvili, I, Miralles, L, Montarou, G, Némécek, S, Nessi, M, Nikitine, I, Nodulman, L, Norniella, O, Onofre, A, Oreglia, M, Palan, B, Pallin, D, Pantea, D, Pereira, A, Pilcher, J E, Pina, J, Pinhão, J, Pod, E, Podlyski, F, Portell, X, Poveda, J, Pribyl, L, Price, L E, Proudfoot, J, Ramalho, M, Ramstedt, M, Raposeiro, L, Reis, J, Richards, R, Roda, C, Romanov, V, Rosnet, R, Roy, P, Ruiz, A, Rumiantsau, V, Russakovich, N, Sada Costa, J, Salto, O, Salvachúa, B, Sanchis, E, Sanders, H, Santoni, C, Santos, J, Saraiva, J G, Sarri, F, Says, L P, Schlager, G, Schlereth, J L, Seixas, J M, Selldén, B, Shalanda, N, Shevtsov, P, Shochet, M, Silva, J, Simaitis, V, Simonyan, M, Sisakian, A, Sjölin, J, Solans, C, Solodkov, A, Solovyanov, O, Sosebee, M, Spanó, F, Speckmeyer, P, Stanek, R, Starchenko, E, Starovoitov, P, Suk, M, Sykora, I, Tang, F, Tas, P, Teuscher, R, Tischenko, M, Tokar, S, Topilin, N, Torres, J, Underwood, D, Usai, G, Valero, A, Valkár, S, Valls, J A, Vartapetian, A, Vazielle, F, Vellidis, C, Ventura, F, Vichou, I, Vivarelli, I, Volpi, M, White, A, Zaitsev, A, Zaytsev, Yu, Zenin, A, Zenis, T, Zenonos, Z, Zenz, S, Zilka, B
Publicado: 2007
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