
Results and Consequences of Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge of the CMS Barrel Muon Alignment System

In the last year - as part of the first test of the CMS experiment at CERN [1] called Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC) - about 25% of the barrel muon position monitoring system was built and operated. The configuration enabled us to test all the elements of the system and its function in real...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bencze, Gy L, Béni, N, Imrek, J, Molnàr, J, Novàk, D, Raics, P, Sass, V, Szabò, Zs, Svékely, G, Szillàsi, Z
Publicado: CERN 2007
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