
Software environment for controlling and re-configuration of Xilinx Virtex FPGAs – TWEPP-07

The Time Projection Chamber is one of the detectors of the ALICE experiment, that is currently being commissioned at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The Detector Control System is used for control and monitoring of the system. For the TPC Front-End Electronics (FEE) the control node is a Readout...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fehlker, D, Alme, J, Bablok, S, Alt, T, Beierlein, Th, Campagnolo, R, González-Gutierrez, C, Helstrup, H, Keidel, R, Krawutschke, T, Larsen, D T, Lindenstruth, V, Lippmann, C, Musa, L, Richter, M, Röhrich, D, Røed, K, Schockert, B, Ullaland, K
Publicado: CERN 2007
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