
The CMS Drift Tube Trigger Track Finder

Muons are among the decay products of many new particles that may be discovered at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. At the first trigger level the identification of muons and the determination of their transverse momenta and location is performed by the Drift Tube Trigger Track Finder in the central...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Erö, Janos, Deldicque, Christian, Galanthay, Marton, Bergauer, Herbert, Jeitler, Manfred, Kastner, Kurt, Neuherz, Barbara, Mikulec, Ivan, Padrta, Michael, Rohringer, Herbert, Sakulin, Hannes, Taurok, Anton, Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth, Montanari, Alessandro, Dallavalle, Gaetano-Marco, Guiducci, Luigi, Pellegrini, Giuliano, Fernández de Troconiz, J, Jimenez, Ignacio
Publicado: 2008
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