
Local Hadronic Calibration

The scheme of the hadronic calibration is discussed. Based on the cluster reconstruction an effective noise suppression is achieved. In a first step clusters are classified as electromagnetic or hadronic clusters. The weighting scheme to correct for the different e/pion response in the ATLAS calorim...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Barillari, T, Bergeaas Kuutmann, E, Carli, T, Erdmann, J, Giovannini, P, Grahn, K J, Issever, C, Jantsch, A, Kiryunin, A, Lohwasser, K, Maslennikov, A, Menke, S, Oberlack, H, Pospelov, G, Rauter, E, Schacht, P, Spanó, F, Speckmayer, P, Stavina, P, Strízenec, P
Publicado: 2008
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