
Refitting of combined inner detector and muon spectrometer tracks from Monte Carlo samples by using the Kalman fitter and the STEP algorithm in the ATLAS experiment

In this paper we refit combined muon tracks using the Kalman fitter and the simultaneous track and error propagation (STEP) algorithm of the ATLAS tracking software. The muon tracks are simulated by GEANT4 in the full detector description, reconstructed by MUID, and refitted by the Kalman fitter in...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lund, E, Bugge, L, Cornelissen, T G, Elsing, M, Gavrilenko, I, Liebig, W, Lopez Mateos, D, Salzburger, A, Strandlie, A, Todorova, S
Publicado: 2008
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