
Fraction of electrons in the T9 pion beams

In the T9 beam line, the beam instrumentation does not permit the separation of electrons from pions, except for the 1:5, 3 and 5 GeV/c beam momenta. For beam momenta of 8 GeV/c or higher, the flux of beam electrons must be subtracted from the flux of pion-like particles incident on the target in or...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ammosov, V, Bolshakova, A, Boyko, I, Chelkov, G, Dedovitch, D, Dydak, F, Elagin, A, Gostkin, M, Guskov, A, Koreshev, V, Krumshtein, Z, Nefedov, Y, Nikolaev, K, Wotschack, J, Zhemchugov, A
Publicado: 2008
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