
The Bi-2212 conductor and magnet program at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

The NHMFL has had a long running program to develop Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox (Bi2212) for high field magnets. The recent development of round wire Bi2212 (RW2212) has strengthened the effort to develop solenoid magnets with fields substantially greater than can be achieved with Nb$_{3}$Sn. The present paper br...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Larbalestier, D, Hellstrom, E, Jiang, J, Kametani, F, LoSchiavo, M, Myers, D, Schwartz, J, Shen, T, Trociewitz, U
Publicado: CERN 2009
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