
Event reconstruction algorithms for the ATLAS trigger

The ATLAS experiment under construction at CERN is due to begin operation at the end of 2007. The detector will record the results of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. The trigger is a three-tier system designed to identify in real-time potentially interesting events tha...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fonseca-Martin, T, Abolins, M, Adragna, P, Aleksandrov, E, Aleksandrov, I, Amorim, A, Anderson, K, Anduaga, X, Aracena, I, Asquith, L, Avolio, G, Backlund, S, Badescu, E, Baines, J, Barria, P, Bartoldus, R, Batreanu, S, Beck, H P, Bee, C, Bell, P, Bell, W H, Bellomo, M, Benslama, K, Berge, D, Berger, N, Berry, T, Biglietti, M, Blair, R R, Bogaerts, A, Bold, T, Bosman, M, Boyd, J, Brelier, B, Burckhart-Chromek, D, Buttar, C, Campanelli, M, Caprini, M, Carlino, G, Casadei, D, Casado, M P, Cataldi, G, Cimino, D, Ciobotaru, M, Clements, D, Coccaro, A, Conde-Muíño, P, Conventi, F, Corso-Radu, A, Costa, M J, Coura Torres, R, Cranfeld, R, Cranmer, K, Crone, G, Dam, M, Damazio, D, Dawson, I, Dawson, J, De Almeida Simoes, J, De Cecco, S, De Santo, A, DellaPietra, M, Delsart, P A, Demers, S, Demirkoz, B, Di Mattia, A, Dionisi, C, Djilkibaev, R, Dobinson, R, Dobson, M, Dotti, A, Dova, M, Drake, G, Dufour, M A, Eckweiler, S, Ehrenfeld, W, Eifert, T, Ellis, Nick, Emeliyanov, D, Enoque Ferreira de Lima, D, Ermoline, Y, Eschrich, I, Facius, K, Falciano, S, Farthouat, P, Feng, E, Ferland, J, Ferrari, R, Ferrer, M L, Fischer, G, Francis, D, Gadomski, S, Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta, H, Gaudio, G, Gaumer, O, George, S, Giagu, S, Goncalo, R, Gorini, B, Gorini, E, Gowdy, S, Grabowska-Bold, I, Grancagnolo, S, Green, B, Haas, S, Haberichter, W, Hadavand, H, Haeberli, C, Haller, J, Hamilton, A, Hansen, J R, Hauschild, M, Hauser, R, Head, S, Hillier, S J, Höcker, A, Hrynóva, T, Hughes-Jones, R, Huston, J, Idarraga, J, Igonkina, O, Inada, M, Jain, V, Johns, K, Joos, M, Kama, S, Kanaya, N, Kazarov, A, Kehoe, R, Khoriauli, G, Kieft, G, Kilvington, G, Kirk, J, Kiyamura, H, Kolos, S, Kono, T, Konstantinidis, N, Korcyl, K, Kordas, K, Kotov, V, Krasznahorkay, A, Kubota, T, Kugel, A, Kuhn, D, Kurasige, H, Kuwabara, T, Kwee, R, Lankford, A, LeCompte, T, Leahu, L, Leahu, M, Ledroit, F, Lehmann-Miotto, G, Lei, X, Lellouch, D, Leyton, M, Li, S, Lim, H, Lohse, T, Losada, M, Luci, C, Luminari, L, Mapelli, L, Martin, B, Martin, B T, Marzano, F, Masik, J, McMahon, T, McPherson, R, Medinnis, M, Meessen, C, Meirosu, C, Messina, A, Mincer, A, Mineev, M, Misiejuk, A, Mönig, K, Monticelli, F, Moraes, A, Moreno, D, Morettini, P, Murillo Garcia, R, Nagano, K, Nagasaka, Y, Negri, A, Némethy, P, Neusiedl, A, Nisati, A, Nozicka, M, Omachi, C, Osculati, B, Osuna, C, Padilla, C, Panikashvili, N, Parodi, F, Pasqualucci, E, Pauly, T, Perera, V, Pérez, E, Pérez-Réale, V, Petersen, J, Piegaia, R, Pilcher, J E, Pinzon, G, Pope, B, Potter, C, Primavera, M, Radescu, V, Rajagopalan, S, Renkel, P, Rescigno, M, Rieke, S, Risler, C, Riu, I, Robertson, S, Roda, C, Rodríguez, D, Rogriquez, Y, Ryabov, Yu, Ryan, P, Salvatore, D, Santamarina, C, Santamarina-Rios, C, Scannicchio, D, Scannicchio, D A, Schiavi, C, Schlereth, J L, Scholtes, I, Schooltz, D, Scott, W, Segura, E, Shimbo, N, Sidoti, A, Siragusa, G, Sivoklokov, S, Sloper, J E, Smizanska, M, Soloviev, I, Soluk, R, Spagnolo, S, Spiwoks, R, Stancu, S, Steinberg, P, Stelzer, J, Stradling, A, Strom, David M, Strong, J, Su, D, Sushkov, S, Sutton, M, Szymocha, T, Tapprogge, S, Tarem, S, Tarem, Z, Teixeira-Dias, P, Tokoshuku, K, Torrence, E, Touchard, F, Tremblet, L, Tripiana, M, Usai, G, Vachon, B, Vandelli, W, Ventura, A, Vercesi, V, Vermeulen, J, Von Der Schmitt, J, Wang, M, Watson, A, Wengler, T, Werner, P, Wheeler-Ellis, S, Wickens, F, Wiedenmann, W, Wielers, M, Wilkens, H, Winklmeier, F, Woerling, E E, Wu, S L, Wu, X, Xella, S, Yamazaki, Y, Yu, M, Zema, F, Zhang, J, Zhao, L, Zobernig, H, Dos Anjos, A, Zur Nedden, M, Ozcan, E, Ünel, G
Publicado: 2008
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