
ATLAS Offline Data Quality Monitoring

The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider reads out 100 Million electronic channels at a rate of 200 Hz. Before the data are shipped to storage and analysis centres across the world, they have to be checked to be free from irregularities which render them scientifically useless. Data quality...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Adelman, J, Baak, M, Boelaert, N, D'Onofrio, M, Frost, J A, Guyot, C, Hauschild, M, Hoecker, A, Leney, K J C, Lytken, E, Martinez-Perez, M, Masik, J, Nairz, A M, Onyisi, P U E, Roe, S, Schatzel, S, Schaetzel, S, Wilson, M G
Publicado: 2009
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