
Dynamic Distortions in the HARP TPC: observations, measurements, modelling and corrections

The HARP experiment was designed to study hadron production in proton- nucleus collisions in the energy range of 1.5 GeV/c-15 GeV/c. The experiment was made of two spectrometers, a forward dipole spectrometer and a large-angle solenoid spectrometer. In the large-angle spectrometer the main tracking...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bagulya, A, Blondel, A, Borghi, S, Catanesi, G, Chimenti, P, Gastaldi, U, Giani, S, Grichine, Ivanchenko, V, Kolev, D, Panman, J, Radicioni, E, Tsenov, R, Tsukerman, I
Publicado: 2009
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