
The TriggerTool Graphical User Interface to the ATLAS Trigger Configuration Database

A system has been designed and implemented to configure all three levels of the ATLAS trigger system from a centrally provided relational database, in which an archive of all trigger configurations used in data taking is also maintained. The user interaction with this database is via a Java-based gr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bell, P, Berge, D, Brunet, S, Fischer, G, Goebel, M, Haller, J, Head, S, Höcker, A, Kohno, T, Martyniuk, A, Nozicka, M, Owen, M, Spiwoks, R, Stelzer, J, Wengler, T, Wiedenmann, W
Publicado: 2009
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