
First Results from Commissioning of the Phin Photo Injector for CTF3

Installation of the new photo-injector for the CTF3 drive beam (PHIN) has been completed on a stand-alone test bench. The photo-injector operates with a 2.5 cell RF gun at 3 GHz, using a Cs2Te photocathode illuminated by a UV laser beam. The test bench is equipped with transverse beam diagnostic as...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Petrarca, M, Braun, H H, Chevallay, E, Doebert, S, Elsener, K, Fedosseev, V, Geschonke, G, Losito, R, Masi, A, Mete, O, Rinolfi, L, Dabrowski, A, Divall, M, Champault, N, Bienvenu, G, Jore, M, Mercier, B M, Prevost, C, Roux, R, Vicario, C
Publicado: 2009
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