
The FE-I4 Pixel Readout Integrated Circuit

A new pixel readout integrated circuit denominated FE-I4 is being designed to meet the requirements of ATLAS experiment upgrades. It will be the largest readout IC produced to date for particle physics applications, filling the maximum allowed reticle area. This will significantly reduce the cost of...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Garcia-Sciveres, M, Arutinov, D, Barbero, M, Beccherle, R, Dube, S, Elledge, D, Fleury, J, Fougeron, D, Gensolen, F, Gnani, D, Gromov, V, Hemperek, T, Karagounis, M, Kluit, R, Kruth, A, Mekkaoui, A, Menouni, M, Schipper, J
Publicado: 2010
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