
Investigation of α-cluster states in 13C via the (6Li,d) reaction

The 9Be(6Li,d)13C reaction was used to investigate possible α-cluster states in 13C. The reaction was measured at 25.5 MeV incident energy, employing the São Paulo Pelletron-Enge-Spectrograph facility and the nuclear emulsion detection technique. Ten out of sixteen known levels of 13C, up to 11 MeV...

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Autores principales: Rodrigues, M R D, Borello-Lewin, T, Horodynski-Matsushigue, L B, Cunsolo, A, Cappuzzello, F, Duarte, J L M, Rodrigues, C L, Ukita, G M, Souza, M A, Miyake, H
Publicado: 2010
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