
Ganga: User-friendly Grid job submission and management tool for LHC and beyond

Ganga has been widely used for several years in ATLAS, LHCb and a handful of other communities. Ganga provides a simple yet powerful interface for submitting and managing jobs to a variety of computing backends. The tool helps users configuring applications and keeping track of their work. With the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Vanderster, D C, Brochu, F, Cowan, G, Egede, U, Elmsheuser, J, Gaidoz, B, Harrison, K, Lee, H C, Liko, D, Maier, A, Moscicki, T, Muraru, A, Pajchel, K, Reece, W, Samset, B, Slater, M, Soroko, A, Tan, C L, Williams, M
Publicado: 2010
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