
Magnetic moment of $^{104}$Ag$^m$ and the hyperfine magnetic field of Ag in Fe using nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented nuclei

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR/ON) measurements with beta- and gamma-ray detection have been performed on oriented Ag-104(g,m) nuclei with the NICOLE He-3-He-4 dilution refrigerator setup at ISOLDE/CERN. For Ag-104(g) (I-pi = 5(+)) the gamma-NMR/ON resonance signal was found at nu = 266.70(5) MHz....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Golovko, V.V., Kraev, I.S., Phalet, T., Delaure, B., Beck, M., Kozlov, V.Yu., Coeck, S., Wauters, F., Herzog, P., Tramm, Ch., Zakoucky, D., Venos, D., Srnka, D., Honusek, M., Koster, U., Severijns, N.
Publicado: 2010
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