
The LHC beam loss monitoring system commissioning for 2010

The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring (BLM) system is one of the most complex instrumentation systems deployed in the LHC. In addition to protecting the collider, the system also needs to provide a means of diagnosing machine faults and deliver feedback of the losses to the control room as well as to several...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zamantzas, C, Dehning, B, Chery, C, Effinger, E, Emery, J, Grishin, S, Hajdu, C F, Holzer, E B, Jackson, S, Kurfuerst, C, Marsili, A, Nordt, A, Sapinski, M, Tissier, R, Venturini, G G
Publicado: 2010
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