
Operational experience during initial beam commissioning of the LHC

After the incident on the 19th September 2008 and more than one year without beam the commissioning of the LHC started again on November 20, 2009. Progress was rapid and collisions under stable beam conditions were established at 1.2 TeV within 3 weeks. In 2010 after qualification of the new quench...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fuchsberger, K, Alemany-Fernandez, R, Arduini, G, Assmann, R, Bailey, R, Bruning, O, Goddard, B, Kain, V, Lamont, M, MacPherson, A, Meddahi, M, Papotti, G, Pojer, M, Ponce, L, Redaelli, S, Solfaroli Camillocci, M, Venturini Delsolaro, W, Wenninger, J
Publicado: 2010
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