
Reinforcing User Data Analysis with Ganga in the LHC Era: Scalability, Monitoring and User-support

Ganga is a grid job submission and management system widely used in the ATLAS and LHCb experiments and several other communities in the context of the EGEE project. The particle physics communities have entered the LHC operation era which brings new challenges for user data analysis: a strong growth...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Brochu, F, Dzhunov, I, Ebke, J, Egede, U, Elmsheuser, J, Jha, M K, Kokoszkiewicz, L, Lee, H C, Maier, A, Moscicki, J, Munchen, T, Reece, W, Samset, B, Slater, M, Tuckett, D, Van der Ster, D, Williams, M
Publicado: 2010
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