
Implementation of the ROD Crate DAQ Software for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter and a Search for a MSSM Higgs Boson decaying into Tau pairs

The ATLAS experiment of the LHC at CERN started its operation in 2009. The ROD Crate DAQ as a part of the Trigger and Data Acquisition system is responsible for the operation of the sub-detector specific hardware at the level of the back-end electronics crates. In particular, it is the framework tha...

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Autor principal: Solans Sánchez, Carlos Antonio
Publicado: Universitat de Valencia 2010
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Sumario:The ATLAS experiment of the LHC at CERN started its operation in 2009. The ROD Crate DAQ as a part of the Trigger and Data Acquisition system is responsible for the operation of the sub-detector specific hardware at the level of the back-end electronics crates. In particular, it is the framework that controls the Read-Out Driver of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter which is responsible for the cell energy and time computation based on the Optimal Filtering algorithm. We describe the implementation of the ROD Crate DAQ for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter. In first place how the specific Tile hardware and software is described in the configuration database. In second place, the characterization of the various plug-ins for the ROD Crate DAQ, specially the ones for the ROD and TBM motherboards. Results from the transition times of the ROD Crate DAQ measured in real data taking scenario during the year 2010 are presented. In the third place, we present the results from the Optimal Filtering validation in terms of energy resolution and time calibration of the calorimeter. A time based cut may be used to develop algorithms to search for the Higgs boson. One of the most interesting channels for this search is within the MSSM. In this model, the Higgs production cross section is enhanced quadratically by a parameter of the model, the tangent of beta, with respect to the Standard Model. It is possible to search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decayin g into Tau pairs by setting an upper exclusion limit to its cross section in case of a non observation or by establishing the discovery significance of an excess in the observation. It has been imported into ATLAS, the Bayesian technique developed at CDF to set upper exclusion limits to the Higgs boson production cross section and significance of a possible observation. This method takes into account systematic uncertainties, like luminosity and background cross section, that modify the normalization of the observables and also the contribution of the energy scale uncertainties, such as jet and electromagnetic, that change the shape of the observables. Expected results to the upper exclusion limits and discovery significances for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to Tau pairs are presented. These are very promising for ATLAS for the first two years of data taking.