
3D-FBK Pixel sensors: recent beam tests results with irradiated devices

The Pixel detector is the innermost part of the ATLAS experiment tracking device at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and plays a key role in the reconstruction of the primary and secondary vertices of short-lived particles. To cope with the high level of radiation produced during the collider operat...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Micelli, A, Helle, K, Sandaker, H, Stugu, B, Barbero, M, Hugging, F, Karagounis, M, Kostyukhin, V, Kruger, H, Tsung, J W, Wermes, N, Capua, M, Fazio, S, Mastroberardino, A, Susinno, G, Gallrapp, C, Di Girolamo, B, Dobos, D, La Rosa, A, Pernegger, H, Roe, S, Slavicek, T, Pospisil, S, Jakobs, K, Kohler, M, Parzefall, U, Darbo, G, Gariano, G, Gemme, C, Rovani, A, Ruscino, E, Butter, C, Bates, R, Oshea, V, Parker, S, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Grinstein, S, Korokolov, I, Pradilla, C, Einsweiler, K, Garcia-Sciveres, M, Borri, M, Da Via, C, Freestone, J, Kolya, S, Lai, C H, Nellist, C, Pater, J, Thompson, R, Watts, S J, Hoeferkamp, M, Seidel, S, Bolle, E, Gjersdal, H, Sjobaek, K N, Stapnes, S, Rohne, O, Su, D, Young, C, Hansson, P, Grenier, P, Hasi, J, Kenney, C, Kocian, M, Jackson, P, Silverstein, D, Davetak, H, DeWilde, B, Tsybychev, D, Dalla Betta, G F, Gabos, P, Povoli, M, Cobal, M, Giordani, M P, Selmi, L, Cristofoli, A, Esseni, D, Palestri, P, Fleta, C, Lozano, M, Pellegrini, G, Boscardin, M, Bagolini, A, Piemonte, C, Ronchin, S, Zorzi, N, Hansen, T E, Hansen, T, Kok, A, Lietaer, N, Kalliopuska, J, Oja, A
Publicado: 2010
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