
LHC Transvers Profile Monitors studies (MD on May 6th, 2011)

This note contains the preliminary results of the LHC MD that took place on 6-May-2011 (from 2 to 10 a.m.), dedicated to study Wire Scanners (WS), Synchrotron Radiation Monitors (BSRT) and Beam Gas Ionization Monitors (BGI). The MD aimed at performing different studies on the individual monitors as...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bravin, E, Boccardi, A, Dehning, B, Emery, J, Lefevre, T, Gras, JJ, Jeff, A, Rabiller, A, Roncarolo, F, Sapinski, M, Kain, V, Pojer, M, Bartosik, H, Salvant, B
Publicado: 2011
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