
Superconducting Sputtered Nb/Cu QWR for the HIE-ISOLDE Project at CERN

For the fore­seen in­ten­si­ty and en­er­gy up­grade of the ISOL­DE com­plex at CERN (HIE-ISOL­DE pro­ject) a new su­per­con­duct­ing LINAC based on sput­tered Nb/Cu Quar­ter Wave Res­onators (QWRs) of two dif­fer­ent beta fam­i­lies will be in­stalled in the next three to five years. A pro­to­type...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Calatroni, S, Costa Pinto, P, D'Elia, A, Ferreira, L M A, Lanza, G, Pasini, M, Scheubel, M, Therasse, M, Laxdal, R E, Zvyagintsev, V
Publicado: 2010
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