
Optical Diagnostic Results from the MERIT High-Power Target Experiment

We re­port on the anal­y­sis of data col­lect­ed from the op­ti­cal di­ag­nos­tics of the MERIT ex­per­i­ment which was run at CERN in the fall of 2007. The breakup of the free mer­cury jet re­sult­ing from the im­pact of in­tense pro­ton beams from the CERN PS with­in a mag­net­ic field en­vi­ron­m...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kirk, H G, Park, H, Tsang, T, Efthymiopoulos, I, Fabich, A, Haug, F, Lettry, J, Palm, M, Mokhov, N, Striganov, S, Carroll, A J, Graves, V B, Spampinato, P T, McDonald, K T, Bennett, J R J, Caretta, O, Loveridge, P
Publicado: 2010
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