
LHC beam-beam compensation studies at RHIC

Long-range and head-on beam-beam ef­fects are ex­pect­ed to limit the LHC per­for­mance with de­sign pa­ram­e­ters. To mit­i­gate long-range ef­fects cur­rent car­ry­ing wires par­al­lel to the beam were pro­posed. Two such wires are in­stalled in RHIC where they allow study­ing the ef­fect of stron...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fischer, W, Luo, Y, Abreu, N, DeMaria, R, Calaga, Montag, C, Robert-Demolaize, G, Kim, H J, Sen, T
Publicado: 2010
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Sumario:Long-range and head-on beam-beam ef­fects are ex­pect­ed to limit the LHC per­for­mance with de­sign pa­ram­e­ters. To mit­i­gate long-range ef­fects cur­rent car­ry­ing wires par­al­lel to the beam were pro­posed. Two such wires are in­stalled in RHIC where they allow study­ing the ef­fect of strong long-range beam-beam ef­fects, as well as the com­pen­sa­tion of a sin­gle long-range in­ter­ac­tion. The tests pro­vide bench­mark data for sim­u­la­tions and an­a­lyt­i­cal treat­ments. To re­duce the head-on beam-beam ef­fect elec­tron lens­es were pro­posed for both the LHC and RHIC. We pre­sent the ex­per­i­men­tal long-range beam-beam pro­gram and re­port on head-on com­pen­sa­tions stud­ies at RHIC, which are pri­mar­i­ly based on sim­u­la­tions.