
Wakefield Simulation of CLIC PETS Structure Using Parallel 3D Finite Element Time-Domain Solver T3P

In re­cent years, SLAC's Ad­vanced Com­pu­ta­tions De­part­ment (ACD) has de­vel­oped the par­al­lel 3D Fi­nite El­e­ment elec­tro­mag­net­ic time-do­main code T3P. High­er-or­der Fi­nite El­e­ment meth­ods on con­for­mal un­struc­tured mesh­es and mas­sive­ly par­al­lel pro­cess­ing allow un­p...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Candel, A, Kabel, A, Lee, L, Li, Z, Ng, C, Schussman, G, Ko, K, Syratchev, I
Publicado: 2010
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