
Conceptual design of the ESS-SCANDINAVIA

The con­cep­tu­al de­sign of the Eu­ro­pean Spal­la­tion Source-Scan­di­navia (ESS-S) is pre­sent­ed. The ac­cel­er­a­tor sys­tem base­line draws heav­i­ly on state-of-the-art ma­ture tech­nolo­gies that are being em­ployed in the CERN Linac4 and SPL pro­jects, al­though ad­vances with spoke res­ona...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Peggs, S, Calaga, R, Duperrier, R, Stovall, J, Eshraqi, M, Plewinski, F, Lindroos, M, Papotti, G, Jansson, A
Publicado: 2010
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Sumario:The con­cep­tu­al de­sign of the Eu­ro­pean Spal­la­tion Source-Scan­di­navia (ESS-S) is pre­sent­ed. The ac­cel­er­a­tor sys­tem base­line draws heav­i­ly on state-of-the-art ma­ture tech­nolo­gies that are being em­ployed in the CERN Linac4 and SPL pro­jects, al­though ad­vances with spoke res­onator and sput­tered su­per­con­duct­ing cav­i­ties are also being eval­u­at­ed for re­li­able per­for­mance. Ir­ra­di­a­tion dam­age due to pro­ton beam loss­es is a key issue for linac and tar­get com­po­nents. Their op­ti­mized de­sign is per­formed from an en­gi­neer­ing per­spec­tive, using the last up­dat­ed ver­sions of me­chan­i­cal de­sign codes which were al­ready qual­i­fied for ir­ra­di­at­ed com­po­nents. Fi­nal­ly, fu­ture up­grades of power and in­ten­si­ty of the pro­ton linac are con­sid­ered, in­clud­ing the de­sign op­ti­miza­tion of the Tar­get Sta­tion (pro­ton/neu­tron con­ver­tor), with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of in­creas­ing the av­er­age pulsed power de­po­si­tion up to 7.5 MW. All pos­si­ble up­grades will be taken into ac­count for the final de­sign re­view, in the frame of the costs and con­straints given with the site de­ci­sion.