
Test Measurements of a 20 ms-1 Carbon Wire Beam Scanner

This paper pre­sents the de­sign of the ac­tu­a­tor for the fast and high ac­cu­ra­cy Wire Scan­ner sys­tem. The ac­tu­a­tor con­sists of a ro­tary brushless syn­chronous motor with the per­ma­nent mag­net rotor in­stalled in­side the vac­u­um cham­ber and the sta­tor in­stalled out­side. The fork,...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: De Freitas, J, Dehning, B, Emery, J, Herranz Alvarez, J F, Koujili, M, Ramos, D, Sapinski, M, Ait-Amira, Y, Djerdir, A
Publicado: 2011
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