
Loss of Landau Damping in the LHC

Loss of Landau damping leading to a single bunch longitudinal instability has been observed in the LHC during the ramp and on the 3.5 TeV flat top for small injected longitudinal emittances. The first measurements are in reasonable agreement with the threshold calculated for the expected longitudina...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Shaposhnikova, E N, Argyropoulos, T, Bohl, T, Bhat, C M, Baudrenghien, P, Butterworth, A C, Mastoridis, T, Esteban Muller, J, Papotti, G, Tuckmantel, J, Venturini Delsolaro, W, Wehrle, U
Publicado: 2011
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