
Neutron capture on (94)Zr: Resonance parameters and Maxwellian-averaged cross sections

The neutron capture cross sections of the Zr isotopes play an important role in nucleosynthesis studies. The s-process reaction flow between the Fe seed and the heavier isotopes passes through the neutron magic nucleus (90)Zr and through (91,92,93,94)Zr, but only part of the flow extends to (96)Zr b...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tagliente, G, Milazzo, P.M, Fujii, K, Abbondanno, U, Aerts, G, Alvarez, H, Alvarez-Velarde, F, Andriamonje, S, Andrzejewski, J, Audouin, L, Badurek, G, Baumann, P, Becvar, F, Belloni, F, Berthoumieux, E, Bisterzo, S, Calvino, F, Calviani, M, Cano-Ott, D, Capote, R, Carrapico, C, Cennini, P, Chepel, V, Chiaveri, E, Colonna, N, Cortes, G, Couture, A, Cox, J, Dahlfors, M, David, S, Dillmann, I, Domingo-Pardo, C, Dridi, W, Duran, I, Eleftheriadis, C, Embid-Segura, M, Ferrari, A, Ferreira-Marques, R, Furman, W, Gallino, R, Goncalves, I, Gonzalez-Romero, E, Gramegna, F, Guerrero, C, Gunsing, F, Haas, B, Haight, R, Heil, M, Herrera-Martinez, A, Jericha, E, Kappeler, F, Kadi, Y, Karadimos, D, Karamanis, D, Kerveno, M, Kossionides, E, Krticka, M, Lamboudis, C, Leeb, H, Lindote, A, Lopes, I, Lozano, M, Lukic, S, Marganiec, J, Marrone, S, Martinez, T, Massimi, C, Mastinu, P, Mengoni, A, Moreau, C, Mosconi, M, Neves, F, Oberhummer, H, O'Brien, S, Pancin, J, Papachristodoulou, C, Papadopoulos, C, Paradela, C, Patronis, N, Pavlik, A, Pavlopoulos, P, Perrot, L, Pigni, M.T, Plag, R, Plompen, A, Plukis, A, Poch, A, Praena, J, Pretel, C, Quesada, J, Rauscher, T, Reifarth, R, Rosetti, M, Rubbia, C, Rudolf, G, Rullhusen, P, Salgado, J, Santos, C, Sarchiapone, L, Savvidis, I, Stephan, C, Tain, J.L, Tassan-Got, L, Tavora, L, Terlizzi, R, Vannini, G, Vaz, P, Ventura, A, Villamarin, D, Vincente, M.C, Vlachoudis, V, Vlastou, R, Voss, F, Walter, S, Wiescher, M, Wisshak, K
Publicado: 2011
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