
Advances in Dynamic Games

This book focuses on various aspects of dynamic game theory, presenting state-of-the-art research and serving as a testament to the vitality and growth of the field of dynamic games and their applications. The selected contributions, written by experts in their respective disciplines, are outgrowths...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Breton, Michele, Szajowski, Krzysztof
Publicado: Springer 2011
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Sumario:This book focuses on various aspects of dynamic game theory, presenting state-of-the-art research and serving as a testament to the vitality and growth of the field of dynamic games and their applications. The selected contributions, written by experts in their respective disciplines, are outgrowths of presentations originally given at the 13th International Symposium of Dynamic Games and Applications held in WrocACaw. The book covers a variety of topics, ranging from theoretical developments in game theory and algorithmic methods to applications, examples, and analysis in fields as varied as