
Advances in Service and Operations for ATLAS Data Management

ATLAS has recorded almost 5PB of RAW data since the LHC started running at the end of 2009. Many more derived data products and complimentary simulation data have also been produced by the collaboration and, in total, 70PB is currently stored in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid by ATLAS. All of this...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Stewart, G A, Garonne, V, Lassnig, M, Molfetas, A, Baristis, M, Zhang, D, Calvet, I, Beermann, T, Barreiro Megino, F, Tykhonov, A, Campana, S, Serfon, C, Oleynik, O, Petrosyan, A
Publicado: 2012
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