
Measurement of $\Upsilon$ production in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV

The production of $\Upsilon(1S)$, $\Upsilon(2S)$ and $\Upsilon(3S)$ mesons in proton-proton collisions at the centre-of-mass energy of ${\sqrt{s}=7~{\rm TeV}}$ is studied with the LHCb detector. The analysis is based on a data sample of $25~{\rm pb}^{-1}$ collected at the Large Hadron Collider. T...

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Autores principales: Aaij, R., Abellan Beteta, C., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., Adrover, C., Affolder, A., Ajaltouni, Z., Albrecht, J., Alessio, F., Alexander, M., Alkhazov, G., Alvarez Cartelle, P., Alves Jr, A.A., Amato, S., Amhis, Y., Anderson, J., Appleby, R.B., Aquines Gutierrez, O., Archilli, F., Arrabito, L., Artamonov, A., Artuso, M., Aslanides, E., Auriemma, G., Bachmann, S., Back, J.J., Bailey, D.S., Balagura, V., Baldini, W., Barlow, R.J., Barschel, C., Barsuk, S., Barter, W., Bates, A., Bauer, C., Bauer, Th., Bay, A., Bediaga, I., Belogurov, S., Belous, K., Belyaev, I., Ben-Haim, E., Benayoun, M., Bencivenni, G., Benson, S., Benton, J., Bernet, R., Bettler, M.O., van Beuzekom, M., Bien, A., Bifani, S., Bird, T., Bizzeti, A., Bjornstad, P.M., Blake, T., Blanc, F., Blanks, C., Blouw, J., Blusk, S., Bobrov, A., Bocci, V., Bondar, A., Bondar, N., Bonivento, W., Borghi, S., Borgia, A., Bowcock, T.J.V., Bozzi, C., Brambach, T., van den Brand, J., Bressieux, J., Brett, D., Britsch, 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T., Lazzeroni, C., Le Gac, R., van Leerdam, J., Lees, J.P., Lefevre, R., Leflat, A., Lefrancois, J., Leroy, O., Lesiak, T., Li, L., Li Gioi, L., Lieng, M., Liles, M., Lindner, R., Linn, C., Liu, B., Liu, G., von Loeben, J., Lopes, J.H., Lopez Asamar, E., Lopez-March, N., Lu, H., Luisier, J., Raighne, A.Mac, Machefert, F., Machikhiliyan, I.V., Maciuc, F., Maev, O., Magnin, J., Malde, S., Mamunur, R.M.D., Manca, G., Mancinelli, G., Mangiafave, N., Marconi, U., Marki, R., Marks, J., Martellotti, G., Martens, A., Martin, L., Martin Sanchez, A., Martinez Santos, D., Massafferri, A., Mathe, Z., Matteuzzi, C., Matveev, M., Maurice, E., Maynard, B., Mazurov, A., McGregor, G., McNulty, R., Meissner, M., Merk, M., Merkel, J., Messi, R., Miglioranzi, S., Milanes, D.A., Minard, M.N., Molina Rodriguez, J., Monteil, S., Moran, D., Morawski, P., Mountain, R., Mous, I., Muheim, F., Muller, K., Muresan, R., Muryn, B., Muster, B., Musy, M., Mylroie-Smith, J., Naik, P., Nakada, T., Nandakumar, R., 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W., Rademacker, J.H., Rakotomiaramanana, B., Rangel, M.S., Raniuk, I., Raven, G., Redford, S., Reid, M.M., dos Reis, A.C., Ricciardi, S., Richards, A., Rinnert, K., Roa Romero, D.A., Robbe, P., Rodrigues, E., Rodrigues, F., Rodriguez Perez, P., Rogers, G.J., Roiser, S., Romanovsky, V., Rosello, M., Rouvinet, J., Ruf, T., Ruiz, H., Sabatino, G., Saborido Silva, J.J., Sagidova, N., Sail, P., Saitta, B., Salzmann, C., Sannino, M., Santacesaria, R., Santamarina Rios, C., Santinelli, R., Santovetti, E., Sapunov, M., Sarti, A., Satriano, C., Satta, A., Savrie, M., Savrina, D., Schaack, P., Schiller, M., Schleich, S., Schlupp, M., Schmelling, M., Schmidt, B., Schneider, O., Schopper, A., Schune, M.H., Schwemmer, R., Sciascia, B., Sciubba, A., Seco, M., Semennikov, A., Senderowska, K., Sepp, I., Serra, N., Serrano, J., Seyfert, P., Shapkin, M., Shapoval, I., Shatalov, P., Shcheglov, Y., Shears, T., Shekhtman, L., Shevchenko, O., Shevchenko, V., Shires, A., Coutinho, R.Silva, Skwarnicki, T., Smith, N.A., Smith, E., Sobczak, K., Soler, F.J.P., Solomin, A., Soomro, F., Souza De Paula, B., Spaan, B., Sparkes, A., Spradlin, P., Stagni, F., Stahl, S., Steinkamp, O., Stoica, S., Stone, S., Storaci, B., Straticiuc, M., Straumann, U., Subbiah, V.K., Swientek, S., Szczekowski, M., Szczypka, P., Szumlak, T., T'Jampens, S., Teodorescu, E., Teubert, F., Thomas, C., Thomas, E., van Tilburg, J., Tisserand, V., Tobin, M., Topp-Joergensen, S., Torr, N., Tournefier, E., Tourneur, S., Tran, M.T., Tsaregorodtsev, A., Tuning, N., Garcia, M.Ubeda, Ukleja, A., Urquijo, P., Uwer, U., Vagnoni, V., Valenti, G., Vazquez Gomez, R., Vazquez Regueiro, P., Vecchi, S., Velthuis, J.J., Veltri, M., Viaud, B., Videau, I., Vieira, D., Vilasis-Cardona, X., Visniakov, J., Vollhardt, A., Volyanskyy, D., Voong, D., Vorobyev, A., Voss, H., Wandernoth, S., Wang, J., Ward, D.R., Watson, N.K., Webber, A.D., Websdale, D., Whitehead, M., Wiedner, D., Wiggers, L., Wilkinson, G., Williams, M.P., Williams, M., Wilson, F.F., Wishahi, J., Witek, M., Witzeling, W., Wotton, S.A., Wyllie, K., Xie, Y., Xing, F., Xing, Z., Yang, Z., Young, R., Yushchenko, O., Zangoli, M., Zavertyaev, M., Zhang, F., Zhang, L., Zhang, W.C., Zhang, Y., Zhelezov, A., Zhong, L., Zvyagin, A.
Publicado: 2012
Acceso en línea:
Sumario:The production of $\Upsilon(1S)$, $\Upsilon(2S)$ and $\Upsilon(3S)$ mesons in proton-proton collisions at the centre-of-mass energy of ${\sqrt{s}=7~{\rm TeV}}$ is studied with the LHCb detector. The analysis is based on a data sample of $25~{\rm pb}^{-1}$ collected at the Large Hadron Collider. The $\Upsilon$ mesons are reconstructed in the decay mode $\Upsilon\rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-$ and the signal yields are extracted from a fit to the $\mu^+\mu^-$ invariant mass distributions. The differential production cross-sections times dimuon branching fractions are measured as a function of the $\Upsilon$ transverse momentum $p_{\rm T}$ and rapidity $y$, over the range $p_{\rm T}<15~{\rm GeV/c}$ and $2.0<y<4.5$. The cross-sections times branching fractions, integrated over these kinematic ranges, are measured to be \begin{eqnarray*}{} \sigma(pp\rightarrow \Upsilon(1S)\, X)\times{\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S)\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-)} = 2.29\phantom{0} \pm 0.01\phantom{0} \pm 0.10\phantom{0}\,\, _{-0.37}^{+0.19}~{\rm nb}, \\ \sigma(pp\rightarrow \Upsilon(2S)\, X)\times{\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(2S)\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-)} = 0.562 \pm 0.007 \pm 0.023\, _{-0.092}^{+0.048}~{\rm nb}, \\ \sigma(pp\rightarrow \Upsilon(3S)\, X)\times{\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(3S)\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-)} = 0.283 \pm 0.005 \pm 0.012 \,_{-0.048}^{+0.025}~{\rm nb}, \end{eqnarray*} where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third is due to the unknown polarisation of the three $\Upsilon$ states.