
Conceptual Design of the CLIC Damping Rings

The CLIC Damping rings are designed to produce unprecedentedly low-emittances of 500 nm and 5 nm normalized at 2.86 GeV, with high bunch charge, necessary for the performance of the collider. The large beam brightness triggers a number of beam dynamics and technical challenges. Ring parameters such...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Papaphilippou, Y, Antoniou, F, Barnes, M, Calatroni, S, Chiggiato, P, Corsini, R, Grudiev, A, Koukovini, E, Lefevre, T, Martini, M, Modena, M, Mounet, N, Perin, A, Renier, Y, Russenschuck, S, Rumolo, G, Schoerling, D, Schulte, D, Schmickler, H, Taborelli, M, Vandoni, G, Zimmermann, F, Zisopoulos, P, Boland, M, Palmer, M, Bragin, A, Levichev, E, Syniatkin, S, Zolotarev, K, Vobly, P, Korostelev, M, Vivoli, A, Belver-Aguilar, C, Faus-Golfe, A, Rinolfi, L, Bernhard, A, Pivi, M, Smith, S, Rassool, R, Wootton, K
Publicado: 2012
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