
BI MD studies on April 22nd 2012 (LHC MD-1)

During the LHC MD block 1 in 2012, eight hours were dedicated to beam instrumentation studies. Such a period was spent mainly for estimating the betatron functions at the location of the transverse profile monitors in IR4 via the K-Modulation method and for characterizing the BSRT extraction mirror...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Baer, T, Bravin, E, Boccardi, A, Burger, S, Calvo, E, Dehning, B, Emery, J, Gasior, M, Guerrero, A, Jones, R, Lefevre, T, Gras, JJ, Rabiller, A, Roncarolo, F, Sapinski, M, Steinhagen, R, Trad, G
Publicado: 2012
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