
LHC experience with different bunch spacings in 2011 (25 , 50 & 75 ns)

LHC operation in 2011 had a smooth start in March with 75ns beams and only one month later moved to 50ns beam, after a successful dedicated scrubbing run. Several observables, such as pressure rise, heat load in the arcs, beam instability, emittance growth and synchronous phase shift, clearly pointe...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rumolo, G, Iadarola, G, Domìnguez, O, Arduini, G, Bartosik, H, Claudet, S, Esteban-Müller, J, Roncarolo, F, Shaposhnikova, E, Tavian, L
Publicado: CERN 2012
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